Unscientific leadership musings
2 min readSep 18, 2024
- Capable people who are great to work with matter more than super stars who are assholes. (unless you are planning to colonise mars)
- Dealing with frustrations and bouncing back from setbacks is more important than your analytical chops.
- You need to have partners at work. Peer support and partnership become more important as you move up in the career ladder
- Good managers matter a lot. But they are a rare breed. So try to be a good manager
- Building a good team matters. You are as good as the weakest team member.
- A team that works well together can create magic.
- Leaders have to be mostly right. But leaders are not always right. Even <insert the leader who you are a fan of> will be wrong multiple times. Take everything your leaders say with a pinch of salt. Expect your team to do the same.
- Have a well thought out strategy for your team, your product/business and yourself. Welcome people who critique this. Fine-tune and update your strategy when you get more data. And trust the strategy more than what people say.
- Incentives matter. Understand incentives.
- Relationships and connections matter. To an extent.
- Health and happiness are more important than money and career growth. Unless lack of money and growth causes unhappiness.